Here are some pics. I got started before I took the first pictures. My excitement got the better of me.
After applying the first few strips of reinforced tape, the radio gear is installed. The futaba equipment that I have fits in very nicely.
There is ample room for the receiver and all that cable. I used a servo extension lead to bring the power socket outside.
The wing is strengthened with glass fiber reinforced packing tape. Although this does add some weight to the craft, the extra strength is going to be worth it. I will be crashing this plane!
I almost forgot to add the nose ballast before I added the topside tape. I added sufficient weight to balance the wing left to right. I just hoped that this would put the CofG in the right place, as I still had the ailerons to fit.
Well maybe not for life, but certainly for the life of this plane. I will have to extract the radio gear by cutting it open, once the rest of the plane has received sufficient damage to render it unrepairable.
The instructions for this kit recommend using coloured packing tape to cover it. Well I used Solarfilm ( and Solartrim. The end result looked OK. I still need some practise with an iron though. I think it was about 01:20 in the morning before I had finished.
I finally managed to get to the field. I know this is a slope soarer, but I wanted to do some test flights on a flat field first. The CofG was a little too far back initially. I managed to fix that by removing the full length tape hinges on the ailerons, and replace them with short strips of reinforced tape. Check back soon, and I will add a page with some flight information.